The mission of the Latécoère Foundation is to perpetuate the visionary spirit and daring that inspired the pioneers of the Latécoère and Aéropostale lines.
In this spirit, it was decided to create a dynamic around women and men whose exceptional, innovative, authentic and generous projects contribute to the development of altruism in the scientific, ecological, technological and solidarity fields.
This dynamic is called: Latécoère Explorer.
The Latécoère Explorer Team
[in french, en français]
Conférence de Presse sur l'Audace
Pierre-Elzéar Latécoère
Raphaël Domjan, Laurence de La Ferrière, Catherine Maunoury & Bertrand Piccard
Jeremy Caussade
Conférence Grand Public sur l'Audace
Jean-François Clervoy, Raphaël Domjan, Laurence de La Ferrière,
Catherine Maunoury & Bertrand Piccard
Simon Bernard
Table Ronde sur l'Aviation Décarbonée
Bertrand Piccard
Alexandre Feray
Jean-Marc Moschetta
Project Selection
Our adventurers and explorers with exceptional track records
choose and help projects whose values they support.
Like artists, adventurers are free, creative and express their difference, against all odds. They add a new stone to the edifice of knowledge and progress.
They nourish our dreams, our imagination, and move us by the individual risk they have chosen and which they assume.
Is it a question of courage?
Are they asocial, revolutionary, protesters?
They are all of these and more.
Adventurers do not change the world. They just try, through a quest for the human condition, to push back the limits of possibility. An adventurer today has integrated all sorts of innovations, techniques and inventions.
Surrounded but alone, strong and vulnerable, he chooses and accepts this condition.
More than others, he has a societal responsibility, while at the same time setting himself personal challenges.
Thus, the adventurer, the explorer feeds the world of myths and legends.
He acquires an almost supernatural status, in search of harmony between metaphysical thought and the ethics of the body.
Through Latécoère Explorer, it is this ultimate freedom that we have chosen to defend, support and accompany.
There is no great achievement that was not first a utopia...
May we share it.
Project Selection Criteria
Capacity to take and assume risks
Scientific, ecological, technological or solidarity-based contribution
Our Actions to Support Projects
Encourage Exchanges and Build Synergies
Detecting Adventurers and Explorers
Each candidate is free to propose his or her project, either independently or through an organisation qualified in the field.
A detailed dossier must be drawn up for the attention of the committee members. The values required must be evident and authentic.
Submission of the Project to the Founding Members and Experts
Selection and Meeting with the Candidate
Once the selection of the project has been completed and confirmed, a meeting is organised with the committee members. The aim is to determine the needs and contacts to be made for the next dinner meeting.
Dinner with the founding members, potential sponsors and journalists to analyse the actions to be carried out, the synergies to be built and the projects to be developed.
Meeting of the Committees to Define the Project's Development
Launch and Follow-Up of the Project
The project is launched under the aegis of Latécoère Explorer, which facilitates its smooth running with all the means at its disposal.
Latécoère Explorer's role is not to finance projects directly.
Our action consists of putting the candidate in contact with the best experts and providing them with valuable advice.
A press conference is organised for each project supported, before and after the expedition.
In the event of success, the "Latécoère Explorer" trophy will be presented to the candidate on his return. Throughout the expedition, Latécoère Explorer will relay the journey.